If you are interested in helping dogs in urgent need of rescue within 120 miles of the Athens, GA area, but not quite ready to adopt,
or if you are a service provider of pets and their owners, learn more about how you can help The Search Is Rover’s efforts to serve North Georgia dogs in need:


Sponsor Info

Do you have a business or organization which serves pets and their owners?
We’d love to feature your company logo on our home page, and in exchange you can sponsor our efforts to help dogs in urgent need find loving homes. Contact Holly Crymes of The Search is Rover.

Partner Info

We offer useful links to shelters, rescues, veterinarians, pet shops, groomers and other organizations which benefit rescue adopters and foster families. If you’d like to see your group or organization’s name added to our ROVER RESOURCES, please contact The Search is Rover.

Donate Today

Not ready to adopt or foster quite yet, but really want to help the cause of our not-for-profit organization? DONATE to the mission of The Search is Rover and help sponsor a dog (or dogs) finding their “Perfect Human” homes by clicking this secure PayPal link to our not-for-profit donations center, here.

If you have any questions at all, or want to let us know about your donation and where you’d like it to be focused, feel free to contact us.